【单选题】● (75) is a word processing tool that helps you to create quality documents. (75)
【单选题】Many word processing programs include spell checker. It checks the spelling of every word in a(120)by looking up each word in its dictionary. If the word does not appear in the dictionary the user is(...
【单选题】( )指的是教师所具有的教育教学的理论知识,包括教育学基本理论、心理学基本理论、教育管理学、比较教育、教育改革与实验、现代教育技术知识等。
【单选题】is a word processing tool that helps you to create quality documents.
【简答题】The invention of the computer has increased the speed of word processing, thus possibly the rapid growth of the publish business.
【单选题】(3) Is Jennifer capable of using any word processing software?
Yes, but she can only use Microsoft Word.
Yes, she can use Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.
No, she can’t use any word processing software.
No, she can’t use Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint.
【判断题】有限责任公司某股东欲转让出资,于 2017 年 12 月 15 日向其他股东发出书面转让通知,股东张某 2018 年 1 月 1 日收到该通知,张某需要在 2018 年 2 月 15 日之前对该转让事项进行答复,否则视为同意转让。