【单选题】倒档齿轮一般属于下列哪种类型的齿轮? ( )
【简答题】A.By selling coal and other natural products. B.By selling services that make life comfortable. C.By selling land containing oil. D.By selling public land.
【简答题】A.By selling services that make life comfortable. B.By selling land containing oil. C.By selling public lands. D.By selling coal and other natural products.
【单选题】患儿,男,2岁,因咳嗽、咳黏液痰2天入院。查体:T 37.9°C ,双肺呼吸音粗,X线胸片显示双肺纹理增粗。门诊以“急性支气管炎”收入院。评估患儿痰液黏稠,患儿自己难以咳出。清理该患儿呼吸道首先选用的方法是
【简答题】A.By selling services that make life comfortable. B.By selling lands containing oil. C.By selling public lands. D.By selling coal and other natural products.
【单选题】患儿,男,2岁,因咳嗽、咳黏液痰2天入院。查体:T 37.9°C ,双肺呼吸音粗,X线胸片显示双肺纹理增粗。门诊以“急性支气管炎”收入院。目前该患儿最主要的护理问题是 、
清理呼吸道无效 K. 低效性呼吸型态 L. 知识缺乏 M. 体温升高