Private Sub Text1__KeyPress(KeyAscii AS Integer) If KeyAscii=13 Then ‘回车符的ACSII码是13 a=Val(Text1) If a>=0 or a<=100 Then Text2.SetFocus Else Text1. SetFocus MsgBox(“分数错”) End If End If End Sub
Private Sub Text1__KeyPress(KeyAscii AS Integer) If KeyAscii=13 Then ‘回车符的ACSII码是13 a=Val(Text1) If a>=0 And a<=100 Then Text1.SetFocus Else Text2. SetFocus MsgBox(“分数错”) End If End If End Sub
Private Sub Text1__KeyPress(KeyAscii AS Integer) If KeyAscii=13 Then ‘回车符的ACSII码是13 a=Val(Text1) If a<0 And a>100 Then Text2.SetFocus Else Text1. SetFocus MsgBox(“分数错”) End If End If End Sub
Private Sub Text1__KeyPress(KeyAscii AS Integer) If KeyAscii=13 Then ‘回车符的ACSII码是13 a=Val(Text1) If a>=0 And a<=100 Then Text2.SetFocus Else Text1. SetFocus MsgBox(“分数错”) End If End If End Sub
【简答题】请你根据自己对课文Unit 3“A of Nonverbal Humor”的理解及感受,写一篇题为“Why We Need Humor in Our Life”的短文。 提示:1.幽默能使人欢笑愉悦,人们乐于跟你在一起; 2.幽默能使人精神高涨,有益于身心健康; 3.幽默能使人忘却烦恼,减轻压力,使生活更美好; 4. -(你的观点)----- 字数:120左右 Why We Need...
【单选题】窗体如图1所示。要求程序运行时,在文本框Text1中输入一个姓氏,单击“删除”按钮(名称为Command1),则可删除列表框List1中所有该姓氏的项目。若编写以下程序来实现如此功能: Private Sub Command l Click( ) Dim n%,k% n=Len(Text1.Text) For k=0 To List1.ListCount-1 If Left(List1.List(...