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患者 , 男 ,72 岁 , 既往有高血压、心绞痛、心力衰竭、房室传导阻滞和胃溃疡病史。 1 个月前因出现哮喘症状就诊。医师处方 : 布地奈德气雾剂 200μg bid 吸入 , 沙丁胺醇气雾剂 100pg pm 吸入 , 氨氯地平片 5mgqd 口服及硝酸甘油 0.5mg pm 舌下含服。 100. 该患者因近日在浇花时出现心悸和手指震颤而就诊。体格检查 :T36.8 °C ,P 120 次 / 分 ,R 28 次 / 分 ,BP 175/90mmHg 。出现上述症状的可能原因是 A. 布地奈德剂量太大 B. 沙丁胺醇的不良反应 C. 氨氯地平的不良反应 D. 硝酸甘油剂量不足 E. 布地奈德的不良反应
【单选题】Which of the following is a fairness slippery slope argument?
An employee of thirty years is eligible for retirement benefits. One day is a significant difference in duration of employment. ________________________________________ Therefore, it's not fair to deny retirement benefits to an employee of one year.
An employee of thirty years is eligible for retirement benefits. One day is not a significant difference in duration of employment. ________________________________________ Therefore, it's not fair to deny retirement benefits to an employee of one year.
An employee of thirty years is eligible for retirement benefits. One day is not a significant difference in duration of employment. An employee of one year is not eligible for retirement benefits. ________________________________________ Therefore, there is no significant difference between being eligible for retirement benefits and not being eligible for them.
all of the above
none of the above
【单选题】Which of the following arguments is a causal slippery slope argument?
If we skip brushing our teeth tonight, then it's likely that we will skip brushing them tomorrow night. If we skip brushing our teeth tomorrow night, then it's likely that we will skip brushing them the night after tomorrow. If we skip brushing our teeth the night after tomorrow, then it's likely that we will skip brushing them the night after that. ________________________________________ Therefore, we should not skip brushing our teeth tonight.
If we skip brushing our teeth tonight, then it's likely that we will skip brushing them tomorrow night. If we skip brushing our teeth tomorrow night, then it's likely that we will skip brushing them the night after tomorrow. We should not skip brushing our teeth three nights in a row. ________________________________________ Therefore, we should not skip brushing our teeth tonight.
If we skip brushing our teeth tonight, then it's likely that we will skip brushing them tomorrow night. If we skip brushing our teeth tomorrow night, then it's likely that we will skip brushing them the night after tomorrow. If we skip brushing our teeth the night after tomorrow, then it's likely that we will skip brushing them the night after that. ________________________________________ Therefore, while we may skip brushing our teeth tonight, we should not skip brushing them four nights in a row.
If we skip brushing our teeth tonight, then we will skip brushing them tomorrow night. If we skip brushing our teeth tomorrow night, then we will skip brushing them the night after tomorrow. If we skip brushing our teeth the night after tomorrow, then we will skip brushing them the night after that. We should not skip brushing our teeth tonight. ________________________________________ Therefore, we should not skip brushing our teeth for fours nights in a row.
none of the above
【单选题】Which of the following is a fairness slippery slope argument?
A citizen eighteen years of age has the right to vote. One day is not a significant difference in human maturity. ________________________________________ Therefore, it's not fair to deny a citizen one year of age the right to vote.
A citizen eighteen years of age has the right to vote. One day is a significant difference in human maturity. ________________________________________ Therefore, it is not fair to deny a citizen who is one day short of their eighteenth birthday the right to vote.
A citizen eighteen years of age has the right to vote. One day is not a significant difference in human maturity. A citizen one year of age does not have the right to vote. ________________________________________ Therefore, there is no significant difference between having the right to vote and not having the right to vote.
A citizen eighteen years of age has the right to vote. One day is not a significant difference in human maturity. A citizen one year of age does not have the right to vote. ________________________________________ Therefore, a significant difference is made up of a series of insignificant differences.
none of the above
【单选题】By saying 'the slippery slope in the question of euthanasia', the author most probably refers to ______.
a tricky situation that leads gradually to disaster
a dangerous course leading easily to catastrophe
attempting to end a patient's life without his assent
climbing a slick hillside in constant danger of falling
【单选题】Which of the following is NOT a causal slippery slope argument?
It is not very unhealthy to skip brushing your teeth for a single night. There is no significant difference between brushing your teeth on a particular night or not brushing your teeth on that night. It is very unhealthy to skip brushing your teeth every night. __________________________________________________________________________ There is no significant difference between being very unhealthy and not being very unhealthy.
Someone who does not brush their teeth on a particular night is not necessarily unhealthy. Someone who skips brushing their teeth for one night more than someone who is not unhealthy is also not necessarily unhealthy. __________________________________________________________________________ Therefore, someone who does not brush their teeth on any night is not necessarily unhealthy.
If we skip brushing our teeth tonight, then it's likely that we will skip brushing them tomorrow night. If we skip brushing our teeth tomorrow night, then it's likely that we will skip brushing them the night after tomorrow. If we skip brushing our teeth the night after tomorrow, then it's likely that we will skip brushing them the night after that. __________________________________________________________________________ Therefore, we should not skip brushing our teeth tonight.
None of the above.
All of the above.
【多选题】What commits the fallacy of Slippery Slope?
I don’t like the idea of abortion either, but I think it is better than having some poor women kill herself trying to raise 9 or 10 children.
If cigarettes ads are banned now, ads for other products such as fast cars, liquor, beer, etc. will be banned before long.
(about “no-smoking tables” in restaurants )—Perhaps those in power are aware that if the New Yorkers was compelled to deal with just one more factor in deciding on a restaurant , there would be a mass return to home cooking.
Since the books are about the same length and cover the same material, one is probably as good as the other. (The length and coverage of the books cannot predict whether one is as good as the other.)
【单选题】Which of the following arguments is a causal slippery slope argument?
If we skip brushing our teeth tonight, then it's likely that we will skip brushing them tomorrow night. If we skip brushing our teeth tomorrow night, then it's likely that we will skip brushing them the night after tomorrow. If we skip brushing our teeth the night after tomorrow, then it's likely that we will skip brushing them the night after that. ________________________________________ Therefore, we should not skip brushing our teeth tonight.
If we skip brushing our teeth tonight, then it's likely that we will skip brushing them tomorrow night. If we skip brushing our teeth tomorrow night, then it's likely that we will skip brushing them the night after tomorrow. We should not skip brushing our teeth three nights in a row. ________________________________________ Therefore, we should not skip brushing our teeth tonight.
If we skip brushing our teeth tonight, then it's likely that we will skip brushing them tomorrow night. If we skip brushing our teeth tomorrow night, then it's likely that we will skip brushing them the night after tomorrow. If we skip brushing our teeth the night after tomorrow, then it's likely that we will skip brushing them the night after that. ________________________________________ Therefore, while we may skip brushing our teeth tonight, we should not skip brushing them four nights in a row.
If we skip brushing our teeth tonight, then we will skip brushing them tomorrow night. If we skip brushing our teeth tomorrow night, then we will skip brushing them the night after tomorrow. If we skip brushing our teeth the night after tomorrow, then we will skip brushing them the night after that. We should not skip brushing our teeth tonight. ________________________________________ Therefore, we should not skip brushing our teeth for fours nights in a row.
none of the above
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