【单选题】What bias is in effect when you assume that the candidate whose name you see the most often is probably the most popular candidate?
Obedience to authority
Availability heuristic
【单选题】______the old man's sons wanted to know was ______ the gold had been hidden.
【单选题】病人男 ,35岁,因“头部外伤”急诊人院。浅昏迷,CT提示颅内血肿,脑挫裂伤,在全麻下行颅内血肿清除术。 病人术后返回病房,正确的体位是
【单选题】--- Are these your _______ ? --- Yes, They are my uncle’s sons.
【单选题】《中华人民共和国票据法》所指的票据不包括( )。