Life is hope and needs to be cherished.
We should cherish our lives as we all know that life is hope.
Life is hope, so we should cherish our lives.
Life is hope, so we should waste our lives.
【单选题】Users should ___________(珍惜)the bikes they are using.
【简答题】由方程组 可得, x ∶ y ∶ z 是…… ……… …………………( ) A.1∶2∶1 B.1∶(-2)∶(-1) C.1∶(-2)∶1 D.1∶2∶(-1)
【单选题】She wasn’t fired. She left our company ________________.
【单选题】That was one of her most __________ memories.
【单选题】_______ time is a good habit for all of us.
【简答题】大家应该都观看了“时间管理”这一节的内容,今天玩个小游戏。 假如现在你个人的生命处于0~100岁之间,请准备一张长条纸用笔将它划成10份(中间部分刚好每两列一份代表生命中的10年,分别写上10、20等,最左边的空余部分写上“生”字,最右边的空余部分写上“死”字)。 下面有几个问题,大家按我提的要求来做: 第一,请问你现在几岁?(把相应的部分从前面撕掉) 过去的生命是再也回不来的,请撕彻底撕干净! ...