【单选题】-Does the young man standing there the company? -No.The company is his father. [ ]
in possession of;in possession of
take possession of;in the possession of
take possessions of;in possession of
have a possession of;in possession of
【判断题】According to IAS 37 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets, should the following situation result in the recognition of a provision in the statement of financial position?A coal mini...
【单选题】— Does the young man standing there _____ the company. — No, the company is _____ his father. [ ]
in possession of; in the possession of
have possession of; in the possession of
take possession of; in possession of
have possession of; in possession of
【单选题】. 用非若洛治疗不同类型关节炎的结果如下: 组别 有效例数 总例数 有效率(%) 类风湿性关节炎 140 165 84.85 风湿性关节炎 50 77 64.94 骨性关节炎 18 40 45.00 判断该药治疗不同类型关节炎的疗效之间的差别有无显著性意义,应选用的统计分析方法是
【判断题】A company in the “no direct foreign marketing” stage of international marketing involvement does not actively cultivate customers outside national boundaries.
【单选题】用非若洛治疗不同类型关节炎的结果如下: 组别 有效例数 总例数 有效率(%) 类风湿性关节炎 140 165 84.85 风湿性关节炎 50 77 64.94 骨性关节炎 18 40 45.00 判断该药治疗不同类型关节炎的疗效之间的差别有无显著性意义,应选用的统计分析方法是
【简答题】患者女,50岁。类风湿关节炎病史7年,治疗不正规。近3个月来双手指关节痛加重,晨僵约1小时。查体:双手第2~4掌指关节(MCP2~4)肿胀、左手第1~4近端指间关节(PIP1~4)肿胀,压痛明显,右手PIP2和PIP3肿胀伴压痛,双侧腕关节肿胀并屈伸明显受限。双手X线提示骨质疏松,双腕关节各骨融合,双手掌指关节和近端指间关节间隙变窄。此患者双手X线达到类风湿关节炎的分期是A、Ⅰ期 B、Ⅱ期 C、Ⅲ...