Translation: Turn the following into English, using the words and expressions given in the box below in their appropriate forms. at ease enrich figure out insist on insight likewise on one ’ s own show up suspect tug 1) 我坚持要求他和我们一起来。 2) 听说孩子们都很安全,她了心。 3) 哪里工作艰苦,他们就出现在哪里。 4) 别担心,我们现在能独自处理自己的事务了。 5) 她拉了拉我的袖子,又指了指他。 6) 要确切地知道他要从我这里得到些什么真的很困难。 7) 警察怀疑小偷撒谎,所以又问了他一些问题。 8) 他投票赞成变革,并期望他的同事投同样的票。 9) 激烈的竞争有助于丰富青少年的人生经历。 10) 我希望你对我们的困难已有所了解。 2. Translate the following into Chinese. 1) I’ve always felt that one of the greatest rewards of being a teacher is that I get to learn from my students, gaining new insights from hearing their experiences and, equally, from coming to know them as individuals. 2) After we arrived at Capital Airport, the young man insisted on paying the entire taxi fare despite my protests. I did treat him to some refreshments inside the terminal that was hardly adequate repayment.