Installations of s olar power in the UK are likely to top records this year, and could offset some of the expensive dependence on gas, research has found, but the global out l ook for green energy is still 1 . Money put in clean energy around the wor l d fell to $45.9bn in the third quarter of this year , according to Bloomberg New En er gy Finance . While 2 in clean technology for the U K has risen , from $1.6bn to $2.6bn, the se c tor is under threat as rising energy bills have prompted calls for green subsidies to be 3 . Michael Liebreich, chief executive of BNEF, said this would be a mistake and would not bring down bil l s : “Gas prices have risen more than 8 % - we k n ow that it is gas prices that are pushing up bil l s. I don’t 4 the logic of how that has to do with green subsidies.” Green energy could help to reduce bil l s, he said , pointing to some periods in the UK when , thanks to the 5 of wind power in part i cular, wholesale short - term prices had reduced 6 . “But that doesn’t get p assed through to the consumer, because there is no 7 in the market, and so people don’t know about it. And you get this 8 of people saying that bill rises are from green subsidies.” His advice to the government is to 9 a clear energy policy that diversifies supply. “What the g overnment needs to do is not to p retend that climate change is not happening, or to p retend that an ener g y transformat i on is not under way,” he said. “They need to come up with 10 pol i cies while controlling costs.” A. considerably B. follow C. summoned D. gloomy E. scrapped F. investment G. rupture H. transparency I. indignation J. feasible K. pertinent L. articulate M. nonetheless N. contribution O. distortion