在 HTML 中还有一种特殊的标记 -- 注释标记
【判断题】在 HTML 中还有一种特殊的标记——注释标记。如果需要在 HTML 文档中添加一些便于阅读和理解但又不需要显示在页面中的注释文字,就需要使用注释标记。其基本语法格式如下:
【简答题】能够抗惊厥的药物有( )、( )及( )。
【简答题】任务型阅读。 (A) choose, admit, fire, build, old Mike showed postcards from the palace to his friends. He said that some buildings were 1 than other buildings. There were some 2 in the palace so some buildi...
在 HTML 中还有一种特殊的标记 注释标记
【简答题】What image do people commonly hold about Canada when comparing Canada with the U.S.A.?
【单选题】Which statement comparing U.S. and Asian cultures is not true with regard to the Johari Window dimensions?
U.S. citizens reveal their attitudes and opinions to a larger extent than do persons from the Asian culture.
Japanese people have more rigid boundaries between the public and private self than do U.S. Americans.
The Japanese use more nonverbal communication such as touch than do people of the United States
U.S. Americans should avoid prying questions when communicating with the Japanese.