【判断题】The symbol "GB/T 14689-2008" denotes that the concern national standard is compulsory.
【判断题】The symbol "GB/T 14689-2008" denotes that the concern national standard is compulsory.
【判断题】The public interest is the standard that guide theadministrator in executing the law. This is the verbal symbol designed tointroduce unity,order,and objectivity into administration.
【简答题】The standard symbol for an ohm is ________.
【简答题】电阻R 1 =10Ω,R 2 =20Ω,R 1 和R 2 串联的总电阻为______Ω,并联的总电阻为______。
【单选题】已知等差数列 , ,d=-5,依次取出项数被4除余3的项组成数列 ,则