【简答题】What is the difference between perspective and orthographic projection?
【单选题】As I ___________ to say good-bye, I asked Billy if there was anything else I could do for him.
【单选题】What are the three principle planes in orthographic projection?
top, front, right side
frontal, horizontal, profile
【简答题】县级人民政府林业行政主管部门对材料齐全、符合条件的使用林地申请,应当在收到申请之日起 () 个工作日内,指派 () 名以上工作人员进行现场查验,并填写《使用林地现场查验表》 。现场查验人员要对《使用林地现场查验表》的真实性负责,凡提交虚假现场查验意见的,要追究有关人员和领导的行政责任。
【单选题】In orthographic projection, visual rays are __________ to the projection plane.
【单选题】某游客因与同房游客有意见,不想与其同住。下列说法中,正确的是( )。
【单选题】"Anything?" I asked, looking at him narrowly .
【简答题】Define orthographic projection.