【单选题】The teacher asks a student a question "Have you ever bought clothes with problems?" If the student doesn't seem to be ready, the teacher says "for example, a shirt without..." and points to the button...
【多选题】一般资料:求助者,男性,14岁,初中二年级学生。 案例介绍:求助者是妈妈强迫来咨询的。经过与心理咨询师交流,开始敞开心扉,自诉最大的问题是与父亲的关系。父亲经常打他,几乎每天一次,后来每次打时求勤者几乎都没反应了。很憎恶父亲的做法,但又没有办法。求助者很怕与人交往,总怕会挨打。一次受同学欺负,求助者因怕处分没敢和那个同学动手。后来经常受同学的欺负,老师也管不了,有时还偏向那些打他的学生。恨咱己太软...
【简答题】Read the following cartoon. Put a tick by the three statements that are most logically based on the information suggested by the cartoon.A. ___A. Lucy has just criticized the boy, Linus. B. ___B. Linu...
【简答题】Complete the following sentences with the words and phrases given below. requisite / comprise / chill out / come to mind / look the part A. He doesn't act his age or , but his birth certificate is tel...
【多选题】选词填空: pastime | straightforward | souvenir | unintentionally | gems Most road signs you come across are____1____. [填空1] They tell you what to do, which direction to go in, where you are, etc., but occ...
【单选题】关于电热水器的防护方法,下列措施合理的是( )