WEEK 1 Questionnaire Questionnaire: What is critical theory? Where is the University of Frankfurt? What does critical theory attempt to explain? What does it “offer" to do? Can you name one of the five scholars responsible for developing the discipline of critical theory? Can you name any of the texts they published? Is critical theory one theory or multiple theories? Name a theory you might be interested and why? How can critical theory help us understand, develop, and give voice to our own personal values? What is another way to describe a questionnaire? Do some theories work better than others for interpretation? What does it have to do with you and conversational english? How will critical theory be used in this course? What will we be using as a context, a common ground, to study critical theory? At the beginning of the week, what will I introduce and what will it try to help you do? How will you use the answers to questions? Where will you submit your speaking notes? *When you submit the speaking notes, begin your message with “SPEAKING NOTES” so that I can give you credit. Submit your Speaking Notes the day before the class. If your class is on Monday, submit your notes on Sunday. If your class is on Friday submit your notes on Thursday. How will you use your speaking notes and where will you submit them? *When you submit your voice recording, identify me @ 盖斯然 “VOICE RECORDING” 。 How will class time be used? How does this course relate to the IELTS exam? *I made a mistake on the document “Introduction”. ATTENTION! If there are any changes to plans I will post them on WeChat and “Announcements” on 学习通 . “Announcements” should be “Notice”. Homework: Outline speaking notes that explain: What do you hope to achieve from this course (based on the your answers to the questionaire)? Helpful phrases to prepare you speaking notes: What I hope/want to achieve from this course is..., / I understand in order to achieve ... I must ... / I understand in order to fulfill the requirements of this course I must... and...etc. / I think that after I study... I will be able to ... / I think ... is a good idea. / I think ... is a bad idea. / I am interested in (something related to the course)..., / I am excited to be studying ... / I am worried about ... / I am concerned I may not be able to ... / In conclusion, ...