【单选题】事业部的重点是与总部再次协商,最后决定资源的分配,安排详细的资金预算。这是仓储经营计划的制定程序的( )
【单选题】In a series circuit, which value will remain unchanged at all places in the circuit?
【判断题】An open in a series circuit prs current.
【单选题】( )是国家立法实施的,通过参保人、用人单位和政府等多方筹资形成基金,对参 保并缴纳费用、达到待遇领取条件者依法提供物质帮助,在其因年老而退出劳动后,享有基 本生活保障的一项社会保险制度。
【单选题】In a series circuit, which value will remain unchanged at all places in the circuit?
【单选题】In a series circuit, which value will remain unchanged at all places in the circuit?