【简答题】[WJ-400-400] 简述“下一站”选路 的基本思想?
【简答题】(11分)用18 mol/L 的浓硫酸配制100 mL 3.0 mol/L 稀硫酸的实验步骤如下: ①计算所用浓硫酸的体积 ②量取一定体积的浓硫酸 ③溶解 ④检漏、转移、洗涤 ⑤定容、摇匀 回答下列问题: (1)所需浓硫酸的体积是 ,量取浓硫酸所用的量筒的规格是 (用下列编号填空)。 A.10ml B.25ml C.50ml D.100ml (2)第③步实验的操是 。 (3)第⑤步...
【单选题】Which of the following best describes a top-down budget?
A budget which has been set by scaling down individual expenditure items until the total budgeted expenditure can be met from available resources
A budget which is set by delegating authority from top management, allowing budget holders to participate in setting their own budgets
A budget which is set without permitting the ultimate budget holder to participate in the budgeting process
A budget which is set within the framework of strategic plans determined by top management
【简答题】(12分)用18 mol/L 的浓硫酸配制100 ml 3.0 mol/L 稀硫酸的实验步骤如下: ①计算所用浓硫酸的体积 ②量取一定体积的浓硫酸 ③溶解 ④检漏 、转移、洗涤 ⑤定容、摇匀 回答下列问题: (1)所需浓硫酸的体积是 ,量取浓硫酸所用的量筒的规格是 (用下列编号填空)。 A.10ml B.25ml C.50ml D.100ml) (2)第③步实验的操作是 (3)第⑤...
【简答题】电梯的维护保养应当由电梯()或者依法取得资质的安装、改造、修理单位进行。 A、制造单位 B、使用单位 C、检验机构 D、产权单位
【单选题】电梯的维护保养应当由电梯( )或者依照本法取得许可的安装、改造、修理单位进行。
【单选题】IrDA是一种利用( )进行点对点通信的技术。