【单选题】While conservatives today play a dominant role in mainstream politics, there was once a time when they were on the _____ of American political life.
【多选题】举世闻名的原始社会未期的( )都是在山东首先发现的。P74
【判断题】大一新生小沈在交友网站上认识一女“大学生”,QQ、电话相聊甚欢,后被该女“大学生”骗取5000元,小沈气愤之下将该 女“大学生” 的QQ号、手机号全删除。这样的做法对不对?
【单选题】While conservatives today play a dominant role in mainstream politics, there was once a time when they were on the ________ of American political life.
【多选题】举世闻名的原始社会末期的( )都是在山东首先发现的。
【单选题】While conservatives today play a dominant role in mainstream politics, there was once a time when they were on the ______ of American political life.