【单选题】As to who is to be hired, it is the Human Resources Department has the final say
【简答题】设一类电子元件的寿命X服从λ=1/600的指数分布(单位:小时),求(1)任一电子元件寿命超过200小时的概率;(2)某仪器装有三只独立工作的同型号此类电子元件,在仪器使用的最初200小时内,至少有一只电子元件损坏的概率. 解:由已知得: , (1)所求为P{X>200} ; (2)设Y表示200小时内损坏的元件个数,则Y~B(y5, 1- ), 于是,所求为P{Y≥y6}=1-P{Y=y7}=1...
【简答题】已知某电子仪器的使用寿命服从指数分布,概率密度 ,今随机抽取14台,测得寿命数据如下(单位:小时)1812, 1890 ,2580, 1789 ,2703, 1921, 2054, 1354 ,1967, 2324 ,1884, 2120, 2304 ,1480,则 的矩估计值 ____. 注:能除尽写除尽值,不能除尽保留四位小数.
【单选题】Judges would make the final ____ as to who should be the winner of the competition.
【单选题】The hiring committee will make the final ______ about who to appoint as the new purchasing director.
【判断题】在子类的构造方法中,可以使用关键字 super 来调用父类的构造方法,此时 super 必须是子类构造方法中的头一条语句。
【简答题】A person who has _________ final say in an international company is usuallyinfluential one.
【单选题】According to Paragraph 3,who is the final victim of spam?