Watch the movie clip and write down the missing words. 20200312_115447.mp4 本片段剧情:莫琳陪伯蒂来到莱诺的语言诊所接受治疗。莱诺看出伯蒂并不十分配合,想引导伯蒂说出导致自己口吃的心理因素。但伯蒂认为这是自己的隐私。莱诺坚持以双方平等的身份开展治疗,伯蒂对此也很不理解。最终两人不欢而散。 Words Catching 1. 刚开始过来时,他几乎一个音都发不出。 He could hardly make a _____, you know, when he first came to me. 2. 请随意。Please, make yourself ___________. 3. 计时不是我的强项。_____ isn't my strong suit. 4. 我的地盘我做主。My 'castle', my ___________. 5. 脾气很烈嘛。You have a little bit _________. 6. 诸多缺点中的一个。One of my many_______.