【单选题】 In B2B e-commerce, after receiving the payment the designated bank will inform the ______ of the reception of money .
online commodity trading center
【单选题】Please be informed that your request for payment by D/P has ________ our attention.A. received B. been received C. obtained D. been receiving
【简答题】根据速卖通网站提供的货运平台模板填写了相关信息,为更好地让客户理解相关货运政策,她对几个关键词语进行了解释 1) : is based on the seller's handling time, the shipping service selected, and when the seller receives cleared payment. In certain cases, the es...
【单选题】In WHO's Guiding Principles on Human Organ and Tissue Transplantation (2009), its Guiding Principle 8 delcares that, "All health-care facilities and professionals involved in cell, tissue or organ pro...
【单选题】单选题 窗体顶端 题目: 在签订运输合同过程中,当事人双方可以约定违约金和赔偿金,但违约金一般最高不应该超过违约部分运量应计运费的( ) 选项:
【单选题】在下列选项中,不属于原始取得的所有权取得方式有( )。
【单选题】Su is a newly appointed auditor in a luxury clothing company. She discovers that the person who orders raw materials is also responsible for receiving them and authorising payment for them. Su regard ...
【单选题】单选题 窗体顶端 题目: 已签订运输合同的,运单由( )填写,并在运单托运人签字盖章处填写合同序号。 选项: