【简答题】甲公司为增值税一般纳税人,存货按实际成本进行日常核算。2019年12月初“应收账款”科目借方余额800,000元,“应收票据”科目借方余额300,000元,“坏账准备”科目贷方余额80,000元。2019年12月甲公司发生如下经济业务: (1)10日,采用委托收款方式向乙公司销售一批商品,发出的商品满足收入确认条件,开具的增值税专用发票上注明价款为500,000元,增值税税额为65,000元;用银...
【简答题】You are supposed to write a paragraph (no more than 100 words) and please use the following words and phrases as many as possible: bolt; confusion; descent; devastating; dilemma; illusion; pandemonium...
【简答题】Gene alterations may be caused by
【单选题】网络是把双刃剑,有利也有弊,我们应理性参与网络生活。下面人物的做法不值得效仿的是 ( ) 1大学生王某通过拍摄抖音短视频的形式向同村的村民宣传打假、依法维权常识 2李某在竞选村委会主任时,在网上编造、散布竞争对手作风不良的信息 3林某收到朋友微信借钱的消息后,立即把钱给朋友转过去,并请朋友查收 4现在李奶奶去菜市场买菜都不带现金,“扫一扫”支付码即可完成交易
【简答题】如果变量x = 5, y = 3, 表达式y*=x+2的值为( )
【简答题】A.Some people without right-handed gene may be left-handed. B.The left-trended gene is passed from parents to children. C.Left-handedness is caused both by gene and development. D.The left-handedness ...
【简答题】甲公司为增值税一般纳税人,存货按实际成本进行日常核算,2019年12月初“应收账款”科目借方余额800000元(各明细科目无贷方余额),“应收票据”科目借方余额300000元,“坏账准备——应收账款”科目贷方余额80000元。 2019年12月甲公司发生如下经济业务: (1)10日,采用委托收款方式向乙公司销售一批商品,发出的商品满足收入确认条件,开具的增值税专用发票上注明价款500000元,增值...
【单选题】Plomin's IQ-gene study is similar to the chopsticks gene finding in that______.
there may not be a causal link between gene and intelligence
there is a close correlation between gene and intelligence
there may be a close relation between chopsticks flexibility and children's academic score
there is not a close relation between chopsticks flexibility and children's academic SCOre
【单选题】以下算法的时间复杂度为 ( ) x=0; for(i=1; i for (j=1; j<=n-i; j++) x++;