【单选题】One of the main __________ of the summit was “sustainable development”,or the question how we can continue developing the world without damaging the environment.
【单选题】下列哪种表空间可以被设置为脱机状态( )
【单选题】建筑安装工程直接费由直接工程费和( )组成。
【单选题】The only thing ______ really matters m the parents is how soon their children can return home.
【单选题】The main purpose of this passage is to______.
explain how the performance of a job can be measured in points
describe the responsibilities of various departments
tell readers how a firm can succeed in adopting a new pay system
tell readers how difficult the management work is
【单选题】国画《墨葡萄图》是我国明代著名的画家______的作品。( )
【单选题】金庸先生的武侠小说《射雕英雄传》中的主人公郭靖、杨康名字来自于历史上的“靖康之变”。“靖康”是 朝帝王的年号。