【单选题】程序填空、选择排序法从键盘输入 10 个数 , 按由小到大顺序在屏幕上显示出来 #include #define N 10 v oid main() { i nt a[N],i,j,t; f or(i=0;i scanf(“%d”,&a[i]); f or(i=0;i< ;i++) { for(j=______ ‚ ;j if(a[j] {t=a[i];a[i]=a[j];a[j]=t;} } f...
【单选题】一个 5 人学习小组,每个人有 3 门课的考试成绩 , 求全组分科的平均成绩和各科总平均成绩。 #include v oid main() { i nt i,j,s=0,l,v[3],a[5][3]; f or(i=0;i<3;i++ ) { f or(j=0;j<5;j++) {scanf(“%d” , ); s=; v [i]=s/5; S=0; } l=c[0]+v[1]+v[2])/...
【单选题】Cartesian metaphysics is the fountainhead of _____ in modern philosophy.
【简答题】#include using namespace std; class base{ protected: int x; }; class base1____________________// 继承 base { protected: int x1; }; C lass base2_______________________// 继承 base {protected: int x2; }; cl...
【单选题】Cartesian Dualism argues that the world is made up of _____.