【简答题】He __________ (carry) a big box to the room just now.
【单选题】The big box is used _____storing photos.
【单选题】This ___________ is big. These ___________ are small. [ ]
【简答题】看图填写合适的介词。 1. The sun is ________________ the big box. 2. The cloud is ________________ the big box. 3. The moon is ________________ the letter B. 4. The letter G is ________________ the big star. 5. ...
【单选题】This box is______ that one.
【简答题】句型转换. 1. The box is so big that he can't carry it. The box is _____ big _____ him _____ carry. 2. Joho said to Mary, 'Could you pass me the sugar?' John _____ Mary _____ she could pass_____ the sugar....
【简答题】患者,女,47岁,主诉咽部不适、异物感1年,不伴疼痛及发热,无吞咽障碍及声嘶,初诊见左咽侧隆起,鼻咽及喉部未见新生物。初步考虑可能的疾患是A、神经鞘膜瘤 B、咽旁脓肿 C、多形性腺瘤 D、颈静脉球体瘤 E、喉癌 F、鼻咽癌 该患者如果出现左侧眼睑下垂、瞳孔缩小及眼球内陷表明A、舌下神经受累 B、交感神经受累 C、迷走神经受累 D、舌咽神经受累 E、副神经受累 F、视神经受累 为明确诊断,可采用下述...
【单选题】The soldier showed us so big a box ______ no man can lift.