【判断题】水力模型的重力相似准则是 模型与原型的佛汝德数相同
【单选题】控制和调节库存房温湿度的常用方法中不包括( )
【简答题】水力模型的重力相似准则是 ________________________________________。
【单选题】Which of the following is implied in the sentence 'Tony Blair was due on June 23rd to urge a new balance between the rights of offenders and those of victims in favour of the latter.' in paragraph 3?
The offenders should be punished more severely.
Tony Blair was supportive of the rights of victims.
Neither offenders nor victims are pleased with the status quo of the administration of justice.
The rights of the victims were greatly impaired.
【单选题】甲公司参加某项目投标,该项目招标文件开始发出之日为2015年9月1日,开标时间为2015年9月26日上午9点30分,投标有效期为90天。甲公司修改投标文件应在( )进行。