【判断题】狭义的社区服务仅仅是指市场经营性的社区服务。( )
【简答题】(2016北京西城期末)阅读下面的作品,完成1—4题。 我在孔庙的所见和所想 1孔庙是一个由几十座门坊与几百间厅堂组成的浩浩荡荡的建筑群,我用了几乎一整天的时间浏览这座古庙。孔庙里古木参天,阳光是幽深的,仿佛是从巨大的荷叶上透下的;用手拭拭它,有一点凉,还有一点潮润。是它把我的思绪带到两千五百年前孔圣人的榻前...... 2孔子有一次病重,一副要离世的样子。子路出于敬意,偷偷安排了家臣,希望先生走...
【简答题】What did the customer buy the first
night he went to the store with the engineer?A. Vanilla ice cream. B. Chocolate ice cream. C. Strawberry ice cream. D. None of the above.
【单选题】— Will you go to the World Expo in Shanghai by bullet train after the Examination? —_______ I may go by air.
【单选题】What did Charlie buy with the money he found in the snow?
2 Wonka chocolate bars
3 Wonka chocolate bars
4 Wonka chocolate bars
【判断题】Huangmei opera was also called the Tea-picking Opera .
【多选题】对中华传统美德精华部分的转化与发展中,要在( )的基础上坚持古为今用、推陈出新。
【单选题】What did the customer buy the first night he went to the store with the engineer?