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Watch a video clip and fill in the missing words: Alibaba's New Retail.mp4 Alibaba's "New Retail" Shopping usually involves one of two options: go to the store or buy it online. These days, more and more people are opting for the box on their doorstep, which is putting a 1) __________ on traditional brick-and-mortar retail. But when online shopping can't quite deliver, you need to go to the store. The experience can be 2) __________ and disappointing. Online or offline? These cannot be the only options. Well, in China a new form of retail is 3) __________ that's combining the best of both online and offline retail. Alibaba, the company best known for its online marketplace is leading the way. For them, the future isn't total 4) __________ of E-commerce, rather it's the complete 5) __________ of all commerce that could be the key to saving traditional retail. The company simply refers to this as new retail. It's already helping even the most traditional retail models 6) __________ a new digital world in 7) __________ , creative ways. Why not start with the supermarket? Let's face it, no one really enjoys the process of grocery shopping but ordering online isn't perfect either. Some things you want to pick yourself and life can always 8) __________ a delivery window. Enter Hema, Alibaba's designed-from-scratch grocery store for modern times 9) __________ the way consumers want to shop for food. The shopping experience is powered by your mobile phone, scan and find out what you're buying. You can buy groceries or eat in with the freshest seafood that's 10) __________ prepared for you. And best of all, you can have your groceries and cooked seafood all delivered to you and as quickly as 30 minutes, if you're lucky enough to live within a three kilometer radius of Hema. That's because every Hema store doubles as a distribution center. The model is so popular in China that people are actually moving to live near Hema locations. Another traditional sales model that's getting an Alibaba new retail 11) __________ -- buying cars. Big showrooms and lots, that process was designed decades ago. It forces you to spend a lot of time going here and there, one dealer to another. Well, Alibaba is working to redesign the experience bringing many brands of cars to the consumers to try without the sales pressure. Behold the Auto vending machine. The so-called vending machine model allows consumers to browse models on their smartphones and select the ones they want a 12) __________ , in and out. Experience the car first, then talk to the salesperson. Even the local mom-and-pop convenience stores can get a new retail makeover. These stores which are the lifeblood of many communities probably haven't changed much since the mid-80s and aren't as convenient as they need to be for today's shoppers. Meet the Huang's, the proud owners of this convenience store in Hangzhou China. Their store used to look like this, now it looks like this. But the real transformation is the store has gone digital. Alibaba created a special mobile app which provides the Huang's consumer analytics of their store. They can then use the app to order the items most likely to sell directly from one source and avoid having to deal with multiple distributors. This means the shop in your neighborhood is more likely to have what you are looking for. For the 13) __________ new retail test, let's head to the mall. Yes, the one that everyone 14) __________ is dying. Alibaba is up for this challenge too and has even been investing in some of China's biggest shopping malls. You eye a pair of jeans, but it's not the right fit and your size isn't 15) __________ . No problem, this store is spit it out with a virtual shelf. Just select the one you want, scan with your Tmall app and have it delivered to your home. No need to 16) __________ at the checkout. Even a hasty stop to the ladies room can be a new retail experience. While you wait, check yourself out in the magic mirror and experiment with new makeup colors, 17) __________ , like what you see. Buy it from vending machines and 18) __________ your look from ladies room to make-up lounge. The possibilities for new retail are endless once you 19) __________ online and offline and 20) __________ it based on the way consumers actually wanna shop. The key to saving traditional retail is to forget about tradition altogether.
【单选题】Seeing the man on the bike with a boy at the front and the other at the back, the policeman signed _______stop.
to the man
to the man to
for the man for
to the man for
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【简答题】有一对称三相负载成星形联接,每相阻抗均为 22 Ω ,功率因数为 0.8,又测出负载中的电流为 10A ,那么三相电路的有功功率为 ;无功功率为 ;视在功率为 。
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