【简答题】混凝土结构中采用的钢筋有 柔性钢筋和 两种。线性的柔性钢筋,其外形有光圆和 两类。
【单选题】根据本市居民健康现况特征,社区护士在社区卫生服务中心设立单独一间会议室,作为“糖友会”活动地点。在这里,来自本社区及周边社区的糖尿病病人及其家属定期聚集,彼此交流血糖控制经验及自我病情控制感受,病人家属也可互相学习有效的照顾技巧;有时还会安排专家进行专题讲座。大家均认为此类活动地点很有必要对更多的慢性病病人设立并开放。 “糖友会”上病人及家属相互交流、 相互学习的过程体现的健康教育方法是
【单选题】Trying to get Americans to eat a healthy diet is a frustrating business. Even the best-designed public-health campaigns cannot seem to compete with the tempting flavors of the snack-food and fast-food...
public-health campaigns cannot compete with tempting flavors.
snack-food and fast-food industries are flourishing in the US.
most food in America are profoundly rich in fat and sugar.
fat people account for a large proportion of American population.
【单选题】The roof fell before he had time to ________ the room to save his baby. [ ]
【简答题】AV Clip 2: DASH Eating Plan Listen to a passage “DASH Eating Plan” and complete the following guided summary. It’s known as the “DASH Eating Plan.” In fact, DASH stands for (1)_____________________. T...
【单选题】The agency’s ruling (crippled) their plans.
【判断题】DASH Diet is recommended to reduce hypertension risk.