【单选题】Tokyo—Japan, land of the electronic pet chicken, is fretting(发愁) over the potentially lethal(致命的) dangers that go with the lonely, high-tech life of the modern world. The debate has been stoked(添火) by...
【单选题】. We looked forward, only ________ a narrow path ______ to the top of the mountain.
【简答题】是一种新体诗歌,句子有长有短,也称长短句;每首词依据乐谱的要求,有一定的格式,叫作词牌名。宋代杰出的词人有 、辛弃疾、李清照等。 元曲:包括散曲、杂剧、南戏等,宋元时期戏剧主要表演形式是杂剧。元曲四大家:关汉卿(最优秀)——《 》;马致远、郑光祖、白朴。
【单选题】—I am travelling to Japan tomorrow, Would you please tell me about your experiences there ?— . Le
22.—I am travelling to Japan tomorrow, Would you please tell me about your experiences there ? — . Let’s discuss it over lunch. A.In no case
【单选题】When the climbers reach the top of the mountain, they______about 6 000 meters above sea level.
【判断题】According to the text, in Japan, the top cultural priority is independence.
【单选题】根据《药品召回管理办法》 对可能引起严重健康危害的药品,实施的药品召回属于
【简答题】关汉卿 ( 字 ) ,名一斋,号已斋叟。与 郑光祖、白朴、马致远 并称 “ 元曲四大家 ” 。我国古代第一位伟大的戏剧家,世界文化名人。主要作品有《 __________ 》、《救风尘》、《望江亭》、《单刀会》等。