【简答题】计算和化简求值 (1)已知:|a|=3,b 2 =4,ab<0,求a﹣b的值. (2)已知:A﹣2B=7a 2 ﹣7ab,且B=﹣4a 2 +6ab+7, ①求A等于多少? ②若|a+1|+(b﹣2)2=0,求A的值. (3)已知A=by 2 ﹣ay﹣1,B=2y 2 +3ay﹣10y﹣1,且多项式2A﹣B的值与字母y的取值无关,求(2a 2 b+2ab 2 )﹣[2(a 2 b﹣1)+3ab 2...
【单选题】It was in writing The Spanish Tragedy that W. Shakespeare set up the pattern for the revenge tragedy.
【单选题】We see lightning (before we) hear the thunder (because) sound travels (more slowly) than (light is).
【单选题】第 12 题(本题:1分) 关于C语言的变量,以下叙述中错误的是
【简答题】Our tragedy today is a general and universal physical fear so long sustained by now that we can even bear it. There are no longer problems of the spirit. There is only the question: when will I be blo...