【简答题】I was a student from the countryside. My teachers thought I was the 小题1:________ student. My family also had the same thought 小题2:_______ my teachers. When I was going to give up my studying, a new te...
【单选题】—Oh, my God!Our teacher is so mean! —Calm down, my friend.Even though she is tough sometimes, she ________ be nice if you really work hard.
【单选题】Perhaps I should not have done so, but I changed my mind about the new job even though I was ______ last week.
【单选题】All of a sudden, I felt dizzy _______ my room started to spin.
【简答题】A.even B.even then C.even when D.even so
【单选题】当土质为混合土质时,开挖深度超过( )时,允许放坡?
【简答题】背景资料: 某城市桥梁工程,上部结构为预应力混凝土连续箱梁,圆形墩柱下接承台,承台下设有直径1200mm钻口灌注桩,桩长15~17m;勘探报告显示:桩身所处地质从上至下依次为填土、黏土、碎石土、风化岩层,入岩深度:2~4m;现场设备有:冲击钻机、旋挖钻机。现浇混凝土箱梁模板的支撑体系采用扣件式钢管支架,满堂布置。中标签承包合同时钢筋价格为4500元/t,合同约定市场价在投标价上下浮动10%内不予调...
【单选题】at that time, i always wondered why my English wasn't improved even after watching so many movies.
at that time, i always wondered why my English wasn't improved even after watching so many movies.
at that time, i always wondered why my English wasn't improved even after i watched so many movies.
【单选题】So rarely___us that my kids wouldn't even recognize her.