【判断题】发动机曲轴轴向间隙汽油机不得大于0.35 mm,柴油机不得大于1.40mm,否则,应更换止推垫片 ( )
【单选题】For the system in Fig., determine the Nyquist plot and apply the Nyquist criterion to determine the range of values of K (k>0) for which the system is stable 提示:nyquist图不能包围(-1,j0)点, 与实轴负半轴的交点虚部为零,计算出...
【多选题】出入口管理与控制系统的执行部分由( )组成。
【单选题】For the system in Fig., determine the Nyquist plot and apply the Nyquist criterion to determine the number of roots in the right half plan (RHP) for those values of K for which the system is unstable.
【单选题】Figure shows the Nyquist plot of the open loop transfer function G(s)H(s) of a system. If G(s)H(s) has one right hand pole, the closed loop system is
unstable with one closed loop right hand pole
unstable with two closed loop right hand poles
unstable with three closed loop right hand poles
【单选题】The nyquist plot of 1/[s(0.1*s+1)(0.5*s+1)] is a) b) 在原点处放大可见相位角为-270° c) d)