【单选题】一定的国土空间具有多种功能,但必有( )功能居于主要地位,发挥主要作用,这个功能就是主体功能。
【单选题】Which definition of Price Sensitive is correct?
Price sensitivity is how your customers react to the price of your product. If they are price sensitive, they are willing to pay more for what they want.
Price sensitivity is how your customers react to the price of your product. If they are price sensitive, they want choices.
Price sensitivity is how your customers react to the price of your product. If they are price sensitive, they are more likely to change their mind if there is a price change.
【简答题】A.relative B.decisive C.negative D.sensitive
【单选题】采取一个模式,用一个标准要求学生,这根本上是对教育上的( )的关系及其意义缺乏正确的认识所致。