【简答题】Fill in the blanks with words chosen from the box below. Change the form where necessary. stereotype , outgoing, expedition, vain, critical, personality, passion, substitute, ignite, cherish, perspect...
【简答题】Fill in the blanks with words chosen from the box below. Change the form where necessary. 1) Some hard plastics are being used as____ for metals in manufacturing machine parts. 2) We must look at the ...
【单选题】Choose the correct answer to replace the underlined words. Some plastics do not break down and that is bad for the environment.
【简答题】Fill in the blanks with words chosen from the box below. Change the form where necessary. stereotype , outgoing, expedition, vain, critical, personality, passion, substitute, ignite, cherish, perspect...
【单选题】Some plastics do not break down and that is bad for the environment.
【简答题】某,女, 2岁。2018年4月10日初诊。主诉(家长代诉):不思进食5月余,口干喜饮,大便干燥,小便短黄。曾口服健胃消食片和益生菌半月余,食欲未见好转。查:手足心热,舌红少津,苔少,脉细数,指纹紫。 请写出疾病的诊断 .证型.治则和处方。
【单选题】Some plastics do not break down and that is bad for the environment.