【简答题】Can you name some kinds of salad and explain them? What is the difference between green salads and vegetable salads?
【多选题】The smallest pitch difference traditionally used in Western music is the half step or semitone. It is the name given to the difference in pitch between one key and its immediate neighbor, that is, bet...
在钢琴键 E 和 F 或 B和 C 之间是全音符
【单选题】一箱急救药品从北京运到广州,用哪种交通工具较好?( )
【简答题】【背景资料】 哈尔滨某商场工程,地上2层,地下1层,建筑面积4210m2。筏板基础,框架结构,现浇混凝土楼板,办公区有部分砌体构造。砌筑砂浆、混凝土现场搅拌。质量标准:合格。某施工总承包单位中标后,组建了项目部。 施工过程中发生了如下事件: 事件一:项目部进场后组织编制了施工组织设计,并对施工全过程进行了全面部署。 事件二:地下室结构完成后,建设单位对地上结构进行了重大修改。致使现场停工2个月,地...
【简答题】Can you name five gods of goddess and five heroes in the classical mythology? What is the difference between a god and a hero by nature?