【单选题】李属植物中,果实无沟槽,花小,10朵以上排成顶生总状花序,花序梗上常有叶片的种是( )
【多选题】What are the advantages of having a credit card?
The customer can buy what he wants when he wants it. There is no need to save up money in advance.
Credit cards can be used when something expected happens. This is important when you don’t have any ID with you.
Credit cards can be used when something unexpected happens. This is important when you don’t have any cash with you.
Having a credit card protects the owner. The owner doesn’t have to worry about losing the card.
【单选题】What might driving un an automated highway he like? The answer depends on what kind of system is ultimately adopted. Two distinct types are un the drawing board. The first is a special-purpose lane sy...
are under construction
【简答题】扁担杆属花盘发达,花瓣基部有腺体,花序梗上无贴生苞片,叶柄短,( )果。 2 、木槿小枝幼时密被绒毛,后渐脱落;叶菱状卵形,端部常 3 裂,花单生叶腋,( )果卵圆形。 3 、油桐花瓣( )色,基部有淡红褐色条斑,果实近球形,表面平滑。 4 、乌桕叶互生,纸质,菱状广卵形,全缘,两面均光滑;叶柄细长,顶端有( )个腺体。 5 、 结香( )果干燥,包于花被基部,果皮革质。 6 、 柽柳(...
【简答题】On what will the credit limit offered by the banks depend?