【简答题】甲国有企业将某项生产任务承包给其内部的乙车间来完成 ,双方为此签订了承包责任书约定乙车间可以使用甲企业的机器设备及原材料,但必须在规定期限内完成该项生产任务等事宜 , 请 问 在甲国有企业与乙车间之间是否形成了经济法律关系 ?
【单选题】下面程序的运行结果是( )。 main() {int y=10; do {y--;}while(--y); printf("%d\n”,y--); }
【单选题】下面程序的运行结果是( )。 include define F(y) 1.24+Y define PR(a)printf(”%d”,(int)(a)) define MYPRINT(a)PR(a);putchar(\n) void main() { int x=2; MYPRINT(F(3)*x); )
【简答题】案例分析题一 甲国有企业将某项生产任务承包给其内部的乙车间来完成,双方为此签订了承包责任书,约定乙车间可以使用甲企业的机器设备及原材料,但必须在规定期限内完成这项生产任务等事宜。 请问在甲国有企业与乙车间之间是否形成了经济法律关系?如果形成了经济法律关系,请指出该经济法律关系的主体、内容和客体。
【单选题】I was about to make my little bow of assent, when the meaning of these last words sank in, jolting me out of my sad reverie. (Para. 18)
When I was about to nod my head to show my agreement, suddenly the meaning of the mayor’s words were understood , which surprised me from my daydreaming.
I was about to bow to show my agreement, at that time the meaning of these last words fall down, jolting me out of my sad daydream.
【简答题】Please write the meaning of these expressions. generate my best idea
【简答题】Please write the meaning of these expressions. in a dilemma
【单选题】The meaning of these last words sank in .
【简答题】甲国有企业将某项生产任务承包给其内部的乙车间来完成,双方为此签订了承包责任书,约定乙车间可以使用甲企业的机器设备及原材料,但必须在规定期限内完成该项生产任务等事宜。 请问在甲国有企业与乙车间之间是否形成了经济法律关系?如果形成了经济法律关系,请指出该经济法律关系的主体、内容和客体。
【单选题】The meaning of these last words jolted me out of my reverie .