【多选题】我国及 IEC (国际电工委员会)都对安全电压的上限值进行了规定,即工频下安全电压的上限值为( ) V ,其电压等级有 42V 、 36V 、( ) V 、12 V 、( ) V 。同时规定:高度不足 2.5M 的照明装置、机床局部照明灯具、移动行灯等,其安全电压可采用( ) V 为安全电压。
【单选题】Which of the following best explains why a monopolist's marginal revenue is less than the sale price?
To sell more units, a monopolist must increase the price on all units sold.
As a monopolist expands output, its average total cost declines.
When a firm has a monopoly, consumers have no choice other than to pay the price set by the monopolist.
When a monopolist reduces price in order to sell more units, it must lower the price of some units that could otherwise have been sold at a higher price.