【简答题】补全对话。 A. What's your favorite advertisement? B. What are you doing? C. I agree with you. D. I like advertisement about digital goods, E. Advertising is a basic part of the whole process of marketing. ...
【单选题】给水管道必须采用与管材相适应的管件,管径小于或大于( )的镀锌钢管应采用螺纹连接。
【简答题】二、阅读理解:共15题。每道题包含一段文字或一篇短文,后面是一个完整的陈述。要求你在四个选项中选出一项来完成陈述。 第 11 题 经济学上所推崇的“橄榄型”收入分配结构,是指低收入和高收入相对较少,中等收入占绝大多数的收入分配结构,可以说是最理想的收入分配结构,这种结构要比我国目前的“金字塔型”结构稳定得多。在“更加注重社会公平”这一精神指导下,中央强调对不同的收人群体采取不同的调节办法,决心构建...
【简答题】Task 2 Who are the potential customers of this new product?(按照由上而下的顺序填空) Situation: Jane and Peter are staff in the Marketing Department of a sports drinks company. They are talking about marketing st...
【单选题】家庭成员“对家庭的影响力、控制权和支配权”是属于家庭内部结构中的( )
【简答题】Case Study 2 Rita and Mike are colleagues in a marketing firm. O ne morning Mike drops into Rita ’ s office to discuss a project with her. A s Mike presents his ideas, Rita nods and says “ Um ” , “ Uh...
【简答题】Listen to the model dialogue and fill in the blanks with what you hear. Situation: Jane and Peter are staff in the Marketing Department of a sports drinks company. They are talking about marketing str...