最常见的腹外疝是 A. 腹股沟斜疝 B. 腹股沟直疝 C. 股疝 D. 脐疝 E. 切口疝 (10~12题共用题干) 男,50岁。有慢性便秘多年,每次排便必须十分用力。近半年来发现,站立时阴囊出现肿块,呈梨形;平卧时可还纳。局部检查,触诊发现外环扩大,嘱病人咳嗽指尖有冲击感,手指压迫内环处,站立咳嗽,肿块不再出现,拟诊腹外疝,准备手术治疗。 10.本病例属于 A.腹股沟斜疝B.腹股沟直疝C.股疝D.脐疝E.切口疝
【单选题】In the case in which foreign affiliates undertake the same kind of production as the parent firm, the affiliate _____ some trade in that product. The affiliate also _____ t rade through better local m...
【简答题】Compare the following two pairs of goods: Coke and Pepsi Skis and ski bindings In which case do you expect the indifference curves to be fairly straight, and in which case do you expect the indifferen...