【单选题】(p. 37) Frequent travelers on airlines know one of the costs of traveling is damaged baggage, but they also know that each airline will either repair or replace any luggage damaged by its baggage hand...
【单选题】(p. 44) In order to get an accurate cholesterol reading, an individual must fast for at least eight hours before the test. When you schedule a cholesterol test at your doctor's office, you will receiv...
【简答题】读“吉林省西部改造沙漠荒地的‘林—草—田’复合生态系统景观图”和“简化的系统框图”。该系统的目的是取得经济、社会、生态三方面效益的统一。读图回答下列问题。(11分) (1)将正确答案的代号填在图的空白框内。使系统成立(每个字母限填一次)。 A.增加粮食产量 B.喂养牛羊 C.防风、固沙、增加土壤腐殖质 D.提高经济效益 E.粪肥 (2)该系统的建立,减轻了当地受________天气系统控制时的__...
【单选题】(p. 41) In India weddings are timed to occur when Venus is in the ascendant and Jupiter is strong. This day is deemed lucky. In 2005, almost 15, 000 couples in New Delhi had their wedding on December ...
【简答题】(题干)抵押人欠甲债务80万元,签订了房地产抵押合同,之后又欠20万元,抵押人在原抵押的土地上又添建了一幢房屋。现因债务人超过规定期限没有履行债务而被依法拍卖其抵押的房地产,共卖得净价款80万元,其中新增房屋折合价款20万元。按《城市房地产管理法》和《担保法》规定,甲只能优先受偿()万元。A.70 B.60 C.40 D.30 如抵押人还有其他的债权人(非抵押权人),甲优先受偿后的剩余价款,应按(...