【单选题】“ 双星 ” 是全国的知名品牌,曾荣获。全国驰名商标。和。中国名牌 " 的荣誉。双星集团总裁汪海说。越是名牌,越要重视质量、制造时尚产品、引导时尚潮流。。双星集团之所以重视商品质量,这是因为 ( ) 。
【单选题】“双星”是全国的知名品牌,曾荣获“全国驰名商标”和“中国名牌”的荣誉。双星集团总在海说,“越是名牌,越要重视质量、制造时尚产品,引导时尚潮流。”双星集团之所以重 商品质量,这是因为( )
【单选题】某单位发生了以呕吐、腹泻(水样便)为主要症状的食物中毒,防疫医生在检查后认定为:与吃新鲜小海米拌菜有关。请问致病菌可能是 ( )
【单选题】Gay Marriage Storms US Political Primetime In the space of a few months, gay marriage in the United States has been transformed from a margin al issue into one of the hottest topics of the day with cr...
【单选题】Anthropologists commonly distinguish three forms of marriage:monogamy,the marriage of one man to one woman,polygyny,the marriage of one man to two or more women,and polyandry,the marriage of one woman...
【简答题】A.The tradition of engagement and marriage. B.Marriage happening between similar partners. C.The custom of dating. D.The tradition of engagement ring.