【简答题】As we move forward in anticipation of a Barack Obama Administration let's not forget the struggles of Americans before us who paved the way for all Americans to benefit from such a historical election...
【简答题】物业办公楼其他现浇混凝土 构件识图测试 1. 散水的宽度为( ) mm ,厚度为( ) mm ,中心线长度为( ) m ( )× 2+4 × 0.5- ( ) =36.6m 2. 台阶尺寸为( ) m ×( ) m ,踏步宽( ) mm 3. 阳台栏板材质为( ),阳台板尺寸( ) m ×( ) m ,栏板净高( ) mm 4. 屋顶构造柱有( )根,截面尺寸( ) mm ×( ) mm ,全...