【简答题】已知二次函数 及函数 ,函数 在 处取得极值. (Ⅰ)求 所满足的关系式; (Ⅱ)是否存在实数 ,使得对(Ⅰ)中任意的实数 ,直线 与函数 在 上的图像恒有公共点?若存在,求出 的取值范围,若不存在,请说明理由.
【简答题】补全对话(每小题1分,共5分。请将完整的句子填写在答题卡的相应位置。) Sally: Good morning, Tom. I’d like to hold a surprise party . Tom: That sounds cool. _小题1:___? Sally: It’s at 7:30 this Saturday evening. Tom: What’s the party for?...
【简答题】某公司发生如下经济业务: (1)公司分得现金股利10万元; (2)用银行存款购入不需要安装的设备一台,全部价款为35万元; (3)出售设备一台,原值为100万元,折旧45万元,出售收入为80万元,清理费用5万元,设备已清理完毕,款项已存入银行; (4)计提短期借款利息5万元; 该企业投资活动现金流量净额为多少?
【单选题】Our college has ( ) a successful relationship with the local community.
【简答题】Our college has publicly stated that it will help students with financial problems.
【判断题】1) A college degree is important. 2) Having a college degree has many positive effects on a person's life. Of the above two sentences, sentence 2) is a better topic sentence.
【简答题】affirm agony glimpse institution lean pace peer poison rub scratch Our college has publicly stated ( )that it will help students with financi...
【简答题】John and Tom need a _______(car).