【判断题】The more cards you have issued in your name. the less risk that one or more will be compromised.
【简答题】The more you explain, .(confuse,I)
【单选题】There are three ways in which a banker may take security for an advance: (1) lien (2) by pledge (3) by mortgage (4) by indemnity
【单选题】只计算一半房屋面积的范围有( )。 ①与房屋相连有上盖无柱的走廊、檐廊,按其围护结构外围水平投影面积的一半计算 ②独立柱、单排柱的门廊、车棚、货棚等属永久性建筑的,按其上盖水平投影面积的一半计算 ③未封闭的阳台、挑廊,按其围护结构外围水平投影面积的一半计算 ④无顶盖的室外楼梯按各层水平投影面积的一半计算 ⑤有顶盖不封闭的永久性的架空通廊,按外围水平投影面积的一半计算
【判断题】The banker take the order and agree to pay the check because the bank hopes to provide the credit.