【单选题】This is the park where they firs met.
【单选题】______is no possibility _____ Bob can win the first prize in the match.
【单选题】Who’s the author of The Country of the Pointed Firs ?
Harriet Beecher Stowe.
Charlotte Perkins Gilman.
【单选题】Which of the following best describes the relationship of the second paragraph to the first?
The second paragraph limits the applicability of the theoretical method described in the first paragraph.
The second paragraph provides further elaboration on why an assertion made at the end of the first paragraph proves true in most cases.
The second paragraph provides additional information in support of a hypothesis stated in the first paragraph.
The second paragraph provides an example of a case in which the assumption described in the first paragraph is warranted.
The second paragraph describes a phenomenon that has the same cause as the phenomenon described in the first paragraph.
【单选题】The firs sign of economic ________ became visible.
【判断题】1935 年 4 月,国民革命军第二十五军军长、省主席周西成被迫辞职, 宣告了军阀统治时期的结束。
【判断题】在框架–支撑(剪力墙板)体系中,竖向连续布置的支撑(剪力墙板)应延伸至基础。设置地下室时,框架柱应至少延伸到地下一层。( )