【简答题】指出下列句子的句式。请选取以下词语填入: 判断句、省略句、宾语前置、状语后置、定语后置、被动句。 (填空题,电脑自动对照答案评分,为了不误判,请严格按要求填入。) 是寡人之过也。
【多选题】破碎物料粒径表示方法有 [填空(1)] 、 [填空(2)] 、 [填空(3)] 和 [填空(4)]
【单选题】What’s your responsibility at your present company?
I have lots of responsibilities now.
I am in charge of the production.
【简答题】It is the section of the marketing plan that describes how your company is going to present your products or services to the buying public.
【简答题】You are requested to present your company to your potential s. Work in your group. you have to make a PPT with at least 10 pages and prepare a speech for in-class presentation.
【简答题】阅读下文,找出文中的 介词结构后置句和宾语前置句,并将句子译成现代汉语。 师旷琴撞晋平公 晋平公与群臣饮。饮酣,乃喟然叹日: “莫乐为人君!惟其言而莫之违。”师旷侍坐于前,援琴撞之。公披衽(衣襟)而避,琴坏于壁。公曰:“太师谁撞?”师旷曰:“今者有小人言于侧者,故撞之。”公日:“寡人也。”师旷曰:“哑!是非君人者之言也。”左右请除之。公日:“释之,以为寡人戒。” 注: 1 选自《韩非子》 2 莫乐...
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