【简答题】Independent parties are able to meet their own ____________ without the help and assistance of others.
【单选题】She always works overtime as she has a large family to _____ .
【单选题】She _____ when I go to see her.
【简答题】A.She always has a flashlight readily available. B.She is willing to lend the man her flashlight. C.She always misplaces his flashlight. D.She is looking for the flashlight in his car.
【单选题】She studies English___________ she has time.
【简答题】阅读材料,完成下列要求。 某校高三 (1)班的同学今年刚满18周岁,即将参加县、乡换届选举。为了引导同学们行使好选举权,该班以“请珍惜自己的选举权”为主题举办了班会,同学们积极开展讨论: 甲同学说: “的选举是国家的大事,我们一定要听从组织的安排,领导说选谁,我们就投谁的票。” 乙同学说: “选举权是宪法赋予我们的神圣权利,选谁不选谁由我说了算,谁对我好,我就选谁。” 丙同学说: ...
【简答题】某校高三(1)班的同学今年刚满 18 周岁,即将参加县、乡换届选举。为了引导冋学们行使好选举权,该班以“请珍惜自己的选举权”为主题举办了班会,同学们积极开展讨论: 甲同学说:“的选举是国家的大事,我们一定要听从组织的安排,领导说选谁,我们就投谁的票。” 乙同学说:“选举权是宪法赋予我们的神圣权利,选谁不选谁由我说了算,谁对我好,我就选谁。” 丙同学说:“行使这项权利让我第一次有了主...
【单选题】She has such a busy life ______ she always forgets my birthday.
【简答题】Though she has bought many clothes, she is always__________(抱怨缺少合适的衣服).