【单选题】What is a benefit of text messaging?
Text messaging delivers messages between private mobile phone users quietly and discreetly.
Text messaging is a convenient alternative to the telephone.
Text messaging allows organizations to provide immediate alerts.
All of these choices are benefits of text messaging.
【单选题】There is an ongoing debate about the potentially harmful effects ________ text messaging can have on people's grammar.
【判断题】教育信仰指 促进学生形成正确的价值观念,合理的理想以及崇高信念的教育过程。
【单选题】中国少数民族放弃使用本族语而转用当地汉语属于( )
【单选题】An (71) service bus (ESB) acts as a shared messaging layer for connecting applications and other services throughout an enterprise computing infrastructure. It supplements its core (72) messaging back...
【判断题】如果级数 在 收敛,那么对满足 | |<| | 的 ,级数必绝对收敛。