【简答题】在一定条件下,以0.020mol·L -1 EDTA溶液滴定等浓度的金属离子M。设其条件稳定常数K' MY =10 12 ,当滴定误差E t =±0.1%时,滴定突跃范围有______个pM单位。
【多选题】习近平2018年4月26 日下午在武汉主持召开深入推动长江经济带发展座谈会并发表重要讲话。他强调,新形势下推动长江经济带发展,关键是要正确把握( )等的关系,加强改革创新、战略统筹、规划引导,以长江经济带发展推动经济高质量发展。
【单选题】We climbed to the top of Dayan Pagoda at night , believe it or not, ______ we could see a Buddha image in the sky.
【单选题】When we climbed to the top of the mountain, we had a good ______ of the whole city.
【单选题】When we climbed up to the top of the mountain, we were all __________ ,but we were very happy.
【单选题】在缺磷土壤栽植豆科作物,请选养分比例最适合的复合肥( )。
【单选题】_____ Monday we climbed mountains. [ ]
【简答题】在条件稳定常数一定的条件下,金属离子的浓度越大滴定曲线的起点越 __ ___ (填“低”或“高”),滴定突跃的范围越 ___ ____ 。(填“大”或“小”)
【单选题】We climbed higher up the mountain so that We could get a better .